Michael Renford MacDonald Curriculum Vitae

Academic and Professional History

H.B. Sc. University of Toronto, Erindale College, 1979 (Dean’s Honour List)
M.A., Ph.D. University of Western Ontario, 1981, 1985: Clinical Psychology
C. Psych. Registered for the independent practice of psychology with the College of Psychologists in Ontario, 1986 to present
Registered Registered Canadian Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology, 1987 to present
Appointment Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry University of Western Ontario, 1991 to 2012
Appointment Clinical Adjunct Faculty, Department of Psychology, University of Western Ontario, 1991 – 1993

Academic Scholarships

Social Science and Humanities Research Council 1981 – 1982
Doctoral Fellowships, held at the 1982 – 1983
University of Western Ontario: 1983 – 1984
Special University Scholarships from the 1979 – 1980
University of Western Ontario: 1980 – 1983

Clinical and Research Experience

1998 to Present Teaching and Supervision

  • Guest lecturer for undergraduate psychology courses, University of Western Ontario
  • Supervision of Psychologists through the College of Psychologists in Ontario
July 1986 to Present MacDonald & Bryant, Psychology& Rehabilitation, London, OntarioFounding partner in private practice group. General practice including chronic pain management, psychological and legal assessments, treatments for stress-related physical disorders, consultation and disability assessments for the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board, Canada Pension Plan Disability Program, Disability Insurers, Ontario Disability Support Plan
May 1985 to June 1989 St. Joseph’s Health Centre, St. Mary’s Campus, London, OntarioPsychologist for Chronic Pain Disability Program and inpatient Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Program. Represented the interests of psychology to administration and to several advisory, planning and program development committees.
August 1984 to June 1986 Private Office, London, OntarioAssociate with Dr. Gail Golden in private practice. Adult psychotherapy, chronic pain management, and psychological-legal assessments related to personal injury litigation, and Workplace Safety & Insurance Board
September 1984 to May 1985 University of Western Ontario Psychology Department, London, OntarioResearch Associate with Dr. Richard W.J. Neufeld. Empirical and theoretical projects investigating psychological stress and psychopathology
May 1983 to December 1983 University Hospital, London, OntarioProject Director for clinical research investigating depression and psychological adjustment to spinal cord injury, Grant from Employment and Immigration Canada

Co-Directors: Dr. Warren Nielson and Dr. Peter Cameron


Journal Articles

MacDonald, M. R. (2011). Chronic pain in context: Some observations from 25 years in the field. Journal of Clinical Psychology Practice, 2, 22-32.

MacDonald, M.R. (2008).  The road to chronic pain disability: negative biases or accurate pain perception.  Pain, 137/2, 460-461

MacDonald, M.R. (2005).  Self-pain enmeshment and the perception of pain. Pain, 118, 279-280

MacDonald, M.R. (2004).  Pain disorder diagnosis:  Still some utility. Pain Research & Management, 9 (4), 213

MacDonald, M.R. (2004).  Catastrophizing, coping and validation for chronic pain.  Pain, 112, 221

Schnurr, R.F., & MacDonald, M.R. (1995).  Memory complaints in chronic pain. Clinical Journal of Pain, 11 (2), 103-111

Nielson, W.R., & MacDonald, M.R. (1989).  Attributions of blame and coping following spinal cord injury.  Is self-blame adaptive? Journal  of Social and Clinical Psychology, 7, 264-272

MacDonald, M.R., Nielson, W.R., Cameron, M.G.P. (1987). Depression and activity patterns for spinal cord injured persons living in the community. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 68, 339-343

Krames, L. & MacDonald, M.R. (1985).  Distraction and depressive cognitions.  Cognitive Therapy and Research, 9, 561-573

MacDonald, M.R., Kuiper, N.A., & Olinger, L.J. (1985).  Vulnerability to depression, mild depression, and degree of self-schema consolidation.  Motivation and Emotion, 9, 369-379

MacDonald, M.R., & Kuiper, N.A. (1985).  Efficiency and automaticity of self-schema processing in clinical depression.  Motivation and Emotion,  9, 171-184

Kuiper, N.A., Olinger, L.J., MacDonald, M.R., & Shaw, B.F. (1985).  Self-Schema processing of depressed and non-depressed content: The effects of vulnerability to depression.  Social Cognition, 3, 77-93

MacDonald, M.R., & Kuiper, N.A. (1984).  Self-schema decision consistency in clinical depression.  Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 2, 264-272

Kuiper, N.A., & MacDonald, M.R. (1983).  Reason, emotion and cognitive therapy. Clinical Psychology Review, 3, 297-316

Kuiper, N.A., & MacDonald, M.R. (1983).  Schematic processing in depression:  A self-based consensus bias.  Cognitive Therapy and Research, 7, 469-484.

MacDonald, M.R., & Kuiper, N.A. (1983). Cognitive-behavioural preparation for surgery:  Some theoretical and methodological concerns. Clinical Psychology Review, 3, 27-39

Kuiper, N.A., & MacDonald, M.R. (1982).  Self and other perception in mild depressives.  Social Cognition, 3, 223-239

Professional Books

MacDonald, M.R. (2009).  Unbelievable pain control.  London, Ontario:  Michael Renford Books.

MacDonald, M.R., Manion, I.G., Bryant, S.L., & Elliott-Faust, D.L. (1984).  Employment Search Survey for Applied Psychology Environments (400 pgs).  London, Ontario:  The University of Western Ontario

Professional Book Chapters

Kuiper, N.A., Olinger, L.J., & MacDoanld, M.R. (1988).  Vulnerability and episodic cognitions in a self-worth contingency model of depression.  In L.B. Alloy (Ed.), Cognitive processes in depression. New York:  Guildford Press

Kuiper, N.A., MacDonald, M.R., & Derry, P.A. (1983).  Parameters of self-reference in depression.  In J. Suls & A. Greenwald (Eds.), Psychological perspectives on the self, Volume II.  Hillsdale, N.J.:  Erlbaum Associates

Kuiper, N.A., Derry, P.A., & MacDonald, M.R. (1982).  Self-reference and person perception in depression:  A social cognition perspective.  In G. Weary & H. Mirels (Eds.), Integrations of social and clinical psychology.  Cambridge:  Oxford University Press.

Papers Read at Scientific Meetings

MacDonald, M.R. (2010).  Chronic pain – A contextual approach. Pain Grand Rounds, St. Joseph Hospital, London, Ontario  (Invited).

MacDonald, M.R. (1995).  The use of narcotics in the treatment of chronic pain.  Grand Rounds Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario.  (Invited).

MacDonald, M.R. (1994).  Psychological impact of work-related injuries and chronic pain.  Workplace Safety & Insurance Board, London, Ontario. (Invited).

MacDonald, M.R. (1991).  The long-term psychological effects of traumatic injuries.  Psychology Department, London Health Sciences Centre, Victoria Campus, London, Ontario. (Invited).

Nielson, W., & MacDonald, M.R. (1984).  Depression and activity patters following spinal cord injury.  Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Conference, Toronto, Ontario.

MacDonald, M.R., & Nielson, W. (1984).  Self-blame, depression, and psychological adjustment to spinal cord injury.  Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Conference, Toronto, Ontario.

MacDonald, M.R., & Kuiper, N.A. (1983).  The etiological role of schemata in depression.  Paper read at the Society for Experimental Social Psychology Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  (Invited)

MacDonald, M.R. (1982).  Automaticity of information processing in clinical depression.  Paper read at the Society for Experimental Social Psychology Conference, Nashville, Indiana.  (Invited).

MacDonald, M.R. & Manion, I.G. (1982).  A cognitive assessment procedure for anxiety.  Paper presented at the Association for the Advancement of Behaviour Therapy Conference, Los Angeles, California.

MacDonald, M.R., & Kuiper,  N.A. (1982).  Psychosocial preparation for surgery:  Theoretical and methodological critique.  Paper read at the Canadian Psychological Association Conference, Montreal, Quebec.

Kuiper, N.A., Derry, P.A., & MacDonald, M.R. (1980).  The effects of depression on judgments about self and others.  Paper read at the American Psychological Association Conference, Montreal, Quebec.

Krames, L., & MacDonald, M.R. (1980).  A test of cognitive interference in depression.  Paper read at the World Congress of Behaviour Therapy Conference, Jerusalem, Israel.

Related Professional and Community Activities

Board of Advisers, Journal of Clinical Psychology Practice.

Invited peer reviewer, Clinical Journal of Pain.

Expert witness before  Courts of Ontario (Personal Injury Litigation)

Expert witness before Ontario Labour Board Hearings.

Expert witness before Ontario Insurance Commission Arbitration Hearings

Expert witness before Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Hearings

Member of Board of Directors for Dale Brain Injury Services, London, Ontario, 1997 to 2003.

Member of the Board of Directors for the Canadian Mental Health Association, 1988 to 1990.

Member of the Executive of the London Regional Psychology Association, 1986 to 1988 and 2002 to 2004.

Invited presentation (2011). Living with chronic pain: A simple guide. St. Joseph’s Health Care,

Parkwood Hospital, Rehabilitation, London, Ontario.

Invited presentation (2011). Working with chronic pain – Endless opportunities. Challenger Annual

Breakfast Seminar, London, Ontario.

Invited presentation (2010). Living with long-term pain. London Endometriosis Support Group,

London, Ontario.

Invited presentation (2000).  Living with Fibromyalgia:  A simple survival guide.  Annual General Meeting, Ontario Fibromyalgia Association, Toronto, Ontario.

Invited presentation (2000).   The fibromyalgia two-step:  How flare-ups really happen.  London Fibromyalgia Group, London, Ontario.

Invited presentation (February 1991). Rehabilitation treatments for chronic pain.  London Association for Insurance Adjusters, London, Ontario.

Invited presentation (October 1990).  Vocational rehabilitation and the treatment of depression, anxiety, and chronic pain.  Advocates Society, Law Society of Upper Canada, London, Ontario.

Television appearances, radio interviews, and talks to community groups on topics of chronic pain, disability, victimization, and personal relationships.

Memberships in Professional Societies (before retirement)

International Association for the Study of Pain Canadian Pain Society

Canadian Pain Coalition

Canadian Academy of Pain Management

Canadian Psychology Association

Ontario Psychology Association

Canadian Academy of Psychologists in Disability Assessment

London Regional Psychology Association